Little Tongue Out Tuesday

Photo Aug 30, 8 35 26 AM

I started back to school this week, so I probably won’t be posting quite as frequently as I have been. Stay tuned, though. I’m working on a  post about one of Kona’s favorite subjects – DOG TOYS!

We didn’t want to miss out on Tongue Out Tuesday, so Kona gave me a little tongue shot. We call it #LittleTOT.

*Note to myself: maybe if I had some peanut butter? Just sayin’

Have a terrific Tuesday.


Building on a Dream

Today we visited the Mister while he worked on his boat. This old tank is his dream come true – at least it will be in about a year.


It’s an old 1971 Owens-Brigatine, which had a reputation as being a supreme Marlin catching machine back in the day. Mister has always dreamed of having one, and a few months ago he came across this one and bought it for a song and a dance.


When dad’s happy, I’m happy!

This boat needs a lot of work, but the infrastructure is solid, and Mister knows boats and has made some connections to other people who have also restored boats like this.


We’re all excited about this project and taking trips to Catalina. It’s a good sized vessel at 33 feet, so it will hold steady in bumpy water. Best of all, Mister will be able to bring home lots of bluefin and yellow tail tuna, which we all love.

The Mister’s favorite fish to catch and release are the big fighters, like Marlin and Swordfish. The ocean temperature has been warmer than usual the past couple of years, which has made for great fishing in Southern California. There have been record numbers of Marlin out here, and even some Swordfish.

We’ve decided to change the name of the boat, but haven’t come up with one that we all like. Our friend suggested “Brig it On” because it is a Brigatine. We’ve also been contemplating a Hawaiian-themed name. Were still throwing out ideas, though. Feel free to toss any suggestions this way, friends! Who knows, maybe one will stick.

~Wags and woofs.

The Wait


One of our favorite camping spots is in Julian, California. We woke up very early on this cold February morning and quietly spied on a group of wild turkeys hanging out near our motorhome. Kona was mesmerized.
Did you know that turkeys fly up into the trees at night to sleep? I didn’t know these big birds could fly until we heard them above us, gobbling to each other as the morning light crept in.

As they flew down and started strutting through our campground, Kona was itching to get out and chase them, but I wasn’t going to take a chance with those sharp beaks and massive talons. 

This turned out to be a special trip. Sharing space so close to the turkeys gave me a new appreciation of their intelligence and social skills. Listening to them calling back and forth to each other in the darkness of the trees was pretty special. I’m sure kona experienced his own kind of appreciation for these large birds.


A Back Bay Kind of Day

Yesterday Kona and I ventured out to the Back Bay in Newport Beach. The weather was perfect in the morning with just enough cloud cover to keep it cool, and plenty of new scents for Kona to investigate.


We shared the road with joggers, walkers, and cyclists. Luckily, there are three lanes for each activity, so we didn’t bump into anybody. Next visit, to avoid the crowds, we’ll arrive earlier in the morning or come during the week.


Unfortunately, I forgot dog treats, so getting Kona to look at me is going to take some doing. Kona’s rule: no treats, no lookie into camera.


The Back Bay is officially the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve and Ecological Reserve, and is a home for thousands of birds, many endangered. We saw some ducks, but strongly advised Kona against chasing them out of the water.


There were many little wild flowers. I especially loved these white ones.


Beautiful homes overlook the bluffs. This would be a perfect place to observe wildlife while the sun is rising or setting.DSC_0024

We headed back to the car just as the sun started to shine through the clouds.


Overall, I’d say this was a very successful new adventure. I wouldn’t hesitate to make a return visit.

Cheers to a fabulous Sunday evening, friends!

~ Woofs and wags, Lori & Kona

Besties and Fine Wine

This weekend Kona got to hang out with his two buddies, Enzo and Dexter, while I hung out with my bestie.



Back in the old days, when they were pups, these guys chased each other around until their tongues were hanging out. There were always lots of stuffed animals around, which sometimes ended up deflated and flat after Enzo and Kona played tug-of-war with them. Dexter once had a cute pink bunny that Kona managed to decapitate.



Dexter, being the Cavalier that he is, enjoys a lifestyle of royalty and shopping. He also loves to be cuddled and pampered. At times, he seems to be somewhat conflicted, like a human trapped in a dogs body.


After a little playing, we did some napping…

They’ve all mellowed out a bit since their puppy days, replacing stuffed animal mutilations with frequent naps.


…and rested our eyes some more while the women talked (and talked, and talked).

It’s nice to have the kind of friends where you can always pick up where you left off, no matter how much time comes in between. Maybe we’re all mellowing out with age, like a fine wine, just like the wine we enjoy when visiting with my bestie.

Cheers to a great week 🙂

Making Contact

I’m going to let you in on a dog photography trade secret. Kona’s been trying to teach me this for a while, and after many frustrating photo sessions with him refusing to look directly into the camera, I think I’ve finally gotten the hint.

Are you ready for the big secret?






Yep. Dogs are a simple bunch. Eat, play, poop, pee, sniff. If you want them to look into your camera, show them the FOOD!

finally remembered to bring some cut up cheese on our last adventure and it was a SUCCESS! An all around win-win. I got eye contact, and Kona got a delicious treat. 🙂

Dog Days of Summer at Bolsa Chica Wetlands


We woke up to bright sunshine this morning, instead of the usual June gloom. I decided it was a perfect day to hike the Bolsa Chica Wetlands. Kona agreed.


Kona seemed to enjoyed exploring new scents from the multitude of critters that pass through this reserve, and like clockwork, sneaks away from me to get a quick roll on a dead bird when my back is turned. Dead birds = stinky puppy.


There is usually a wide variety of birds hanging out next to the water’s edge, ranging from beautiful cranes to predatory hawks and vultures.


The wetlands have a unique beauty. I love the huge, rusty old oil pumps seesawing slowly, groaning and squeaking. Growing up in Huntington Beach, these were always a part of the urban scenery.


Cactus bloom is a part of the indigenous landscape.


Sunshine with a cool breeze. All-in-all it was a lovely afternoon spent with my boy.
