Dog Beach and Inner Puppies

Fact: It is impossible to be in a bad mood at dog beach.

There is something about the ocean that transforms this middle-aged dog into a wild-eyed puppy. Watching him splash around guarantees a smile formation on both of our faces.

I don’t know why mommy keeps calling me Cujo

Because of the gorgeous light, my favorite time to hit the beach is early morning or late afternoon. Weekdays are also better for smaller crowds, which suits us fine since Kona is more interested in water-biting and rolling around on dead things than interacting with other dogs.


When will I learn that ingesting salt water doesn’t end well?

Although there’s usually a few dogs who catch his interest, they just go for a few rounds of play and move on.


Thanks for the play time! Gotta move on down the road now.

Beach dwellers often leave behind some interesting items. Kona scouted out this stuffed beaver. I’m pretty sure he wanted to get ahold of it and create a beach snow scene.


Is this an ocean beaver?

And of course, he poops at least twice in the sand. Every. Single. Time.

Hey lady, when you gotta go, you gotta go, right?

The ocean is so healing and invigorating, especially after a long week. Totally worth the salty-sandy mess it creates in my car. Experience has taught me to always have a towel or two in my car, especially for days like this 😉

Okay lady, let’s go! Time for this doggy to eat dinner.












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